Daily Cancer Horoscope July 20 (20/07)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

July 20


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 7/10

The fact that someone might be going about their business oblivious to levels of stress youre keeping concealed could increase tension between you. You want them to know the part theyre playing in an aspect of your life being made unnecessarily difficult. Yet, by conveying an external vibe that all is fine, this will continue indefinitely. Speak now and cease continuing to hold your peace.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

It appears if you want respect from a certain person, then youre going to have to command it and this might involve putting your foot down and making clear what youre no longer willing to accept or tolerate from them. This is particularly true where you might feel pressured into agreeing to something you believe suits them more than it suits you. Some carefully-applied assertiveness can work in your favor now.


summary cancer weekly

Star 10/10

It can be frustrating when a proverbial ball is left on someone elses court. We have to experience a frustrating waiting time before they choose to respond. You may have grown used to having to play a frustrating waiting game where a certain person is concerned. They know where you stand, now you want to know where you stand with them. A response received this week might not be one you were anticipating, but it will allow for further discussion to reach a compromise.


summary cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Coming weeks could bring a need to become reclusive, not out of moodiness or unwillingness to interact with others but because you might feel its necessary to enjoy some you time in order to focus on tasks, plans or a project that need your undivided attention. The Full Moon on the 9th could coincide with you making clear what youre no longer prepared to accept where one relationship or contractual arrangement is concerned. As the month draws to a close, you could be focused intently on boosting your income and one idea holds serious moneymaking potential.


health cancer daily

Star 8/10

You are especially sensitive to your surroundings today. You may or may not be a designer or architect, but you do care about how the physical world looks. You require balance and harmony between your inner and outer worlds. If there is something you\ve been meaning to change in your home or wardrobe to give you more comfort or peace of mind, go ahead and get it done. Your inner world is affected by procrastination of any kind, and is apt to get dragged down by unresolved issues.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

Balancing our lives can become a challenge. This is a good time to think about balance where your health is concerned. Is there balance in what you feed your body? Do you expose your system to harmful substances, or are you depriving it of its vital rest? Think along these lines when you plan your days: are you amply providing for your body, thinking about the years you have ahead on this earth? This can be a serious task, but remember it can also be fun. Exercising with a friend is good for the spirit!


health cancer weekly

Star 7/10

You\d benefit from making your workouts more fun. You may take your health routine so seriously that you no longer enjoy it as much as you once did. Perhaps going to the gym has turned into a chore that you have to endure. If doing one form of exercise has become boring, think about trying something else. There\s a huge variety out there, so experiment.


health cancer monthly

Star 7/10

As Saturn continues to reverse in your wellness sector, this month and the coming months offer a chance to restructure your routines. You may have desired change for a while, especially as the presence of Saturn here can make you conscious of exactly what needs to change. Doing it can be another matter, however, and something that requires application. You may find that having a personal trainer or life coach who can support you when you need it is the best way to reach your goals. Being accountable to someone might encourage you to push past those obstacles and go for it.


love cancer daily

Star 8/10

You may be tempted to win an argument with your loved one by being clever, but with today\s alignment of the planets, this may not work too well. You may think you know what you are talking about, only to find that you have half the facts mixed up, and some of them completely wrong. It may be easier to just admit your ignorance, and kiss and make up instead.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

There is a harmonious atmosphere in the air, with today\s alignment of the planets. If you are in a permanent relationship, then any difficulties or problems will be ironed out with a minimum of fuss, as you are both in the mood to compromise. If you are looking for love, then you may meet someone of interest if you are involved in a creative enterprise, or through children.


love cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Did you agree to go out with one person and then get asked out by someone youd rather spend time with? Having choices like this is a romantic conundrum, but deep down you know youre going to honor your ethical obligation. If you put an emotional wall up around yourself over the weekend, theres a good reason. Dont answer any questions that make you feel uneasy. Listen to your inner voice.


love cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Youre been searching for the perfect partner, but during the July 5 Sun/Jupiter square you always seem to end up disappointed for some reason. Are you being too critical or do you deserve more than youve been getting recently? Deep down, you know the answer. A Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 shines an honest spotlight on your love life, and this could be when you realize how things are rather than how you wish they were. Eye-opening experiences arent always pleasant, but theyre necessary for growth. Your feelings are hurt easily when Venus enters your sign on July 26. Try not to take things personally.


career cancer daily

Star 10/10

You are the important piece of the puzzle today. You will find that effectiveness in the workplaces increases several fold once you put your energy into the group. Put your two cents in when you know that something could be done a better way.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

You can make terrific progress in your work today by cashing in on one of your many ideas. Do this by honing in on what is most important to you and presenting it in a concrete, stable, and grounded manner. A loose-knit proposal will not fly.


career cancer weekly

Star 7/10

Partnerships and making a good impression may take extra time and diplomacy. Things can become complex now. Politics on the job could place you in an unsettling situation between two power figures. Some will feel thrown around while others try to outwit each other or defend their own positions. This sort of conflict may be reason to talk to human resources or make a career move. This period brings the potential for a new start.


career cancer monthly

Star 8/10

A partnership will come to a satisfying conclusion on or around July 9. Working with an experienced executive has been instructive. Now youre ready to go solo. At times youll feel vulnerable without your associate. Push past your fears and rise to the challenge. Youre a born leader who now has all the tools needed to succeed. An exciting moneymaking opportunity will arrive near July 23. Any ventures involving entertainment, childrens goods, or gambling could be especially profitable. Youll have to move quickly to corner the market, but it can be done. Dont be afraid to face down an intimidating rival.



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