
Showing posts from July, 2022

Look at the bright side, you can play VR while sleeping

Look at the bright side, you can play VR while sleeping relationship 95 Likes 2 Comments Mandy Marie Seth Wall It gets boring . In the start i used to enjoy it , dreaming . But now I'd just prefer to go to sleep because all thoses dreams feel hollow now , and most of the times i don't even have something to dream about Christy De Pasquale Don't fucking do this when you have a partner.

Daily Cancer Horoscope July 20 (20/07)

Cancer Jun 22 − July 22 Alias: Alias: The Crab July 20 (20/07) daily cancer horoscope: summary cancer daily Star 7/10 The fact that someone might be going about their business oblivious to levels of stress youre keeping concealed could increase tension between you. You want them to know the part theyre playing in an aspect of your life being made unnecessarily difficult. Yet, by conveying an external vibe that all is fine, this will continue indefinitely. Speak now and cease continuing to hold your peace. Read more... summary cancer tomorrow Star 8/10 It appears if you want respect from a certain person, then youre going to have to command it and this might involve putting your foot down and making clear what youre no longer willing to accept or tolerate from them. This is partic

Tzeench what have you done this time?

Tzeench what have you done this time? funny 144 Likes 17 Comments Divina Klaassen Anna Guzman Mohsin Abbas * a woman The next one is entirely different Tracey Hulsey-Sykes artist name captain? Enelrahc Nahilaam It is accurate because it shows bestiality and natural/animal urges m